mevrouw mr. L. Muller -

Vragen en antwoorden

Ik ken IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control). Is dat samengebracht in de IED?

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Critici zeggen dat investeringsrecht ontwikkelingslanden hindert om hun economie te reguleren. Zit daar wat in?

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Wanneer ik aankom en het hotel is vol, moet ik in een minderwaardig hotel. Heb ik recht op compensatie?

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Als er een conflict is rond pacht van grond door een ambassade, kan de rechter handhaven?

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Stel, ik zie een onbeveiligde IP-beveiligingscamera in de straat en log in zonder toestemming. Ik bekijk live beelden. Valt dat onder computervredebreuk, of is een camera geen ‘computer’?

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Veel startups geven optierechten aan medewerkers. Wat houdt dat in?

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Geldt de Wet Gelijke Behandeling op handicap (WGBh/cz) voor toerisme en EU-air passenger rights?

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Moet een hotel of reisbureau aan milieuregels voldoen? Gaat dat verder dan algemene regels?

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Andere advocaten en juristen in Rotterdam

"Van Rossem Lawyers" Premium

Van Rossem Lawyers

0 beoordelingen
  • Advocaat
  • Rotterdam

Van Rossem is an office where the attorney works closely with others, including advisory organizations and associates, such as attorneys, lawyers and ...


Schaap & Partners

0 beoordelingen
  • Advocaat
  • Rotterdam

We are independent corporate and real estate specialists. Lawyers and civil-law notaries who enjoy what they do. Making good use of our creativity and...



0 beoordelingen
  • Advocaat
  • Rotterdam

Smallegange is a specialised maritime, insurance and transport law firm, based in Rotterdam, established in January 2000 by a group of experienced law...

"Van Steenderen Mainport Lawyers"

Van Steenderen Mainport Lawyers

0 beoordelingen
  • Advocaat
  • Rotterdam

Samuel Beckett's quotation - "It is not every day that we are needed." - seems very apt for the legal services we provide.
However, instructing ski...


Loyens & Loeff

0 beoordelingen
  • Advocaat
  • Rotterdam

As a leading firm, Loyens & Loeff is the logical choice for a legal and tax partner if you do business in or from the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg...

"Van Traa Advocaten"

Van Traa Advocaten

0 beoordelingen
  • Advocaat
  • Rotterdam

Van Traa's lawyers are specialists in the field of International Trade , Transport & Logistics and Insurance & Liability. Our clients are national and...

"Conway Advocaten

Conway Advocaten & Attorneys-at-Law

0 beoordelingen
  • Advocaat
  • Rotterdam

Conway is a highly specialized law firm advising and representing clients in both national and international matters. Conway has a strong track record...



0 beoordelingen
  • Advocaat
  • Rotterdam

NautaDutilh is an international law firm practising Dutch, Belgian and Luxembourg law. We have offices in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Brussels and Luxembour...

"Leeman Verheijden Huntjens"

Leeman Verheijden Huntjens

0 beoordelingen
  • Advocaat
  • Rotterdam

We are a Rotterdam law firm that focuses on legal services to companies. Our lawyers have a head start because of their knowledge of the various secto...