Regelgeving voor handelsbarrières Advocaat - Utrecht
Expert, astute and with personal commitment. We are the ideal legal partner for all your cases. We serve businesses both large and small, financial institutions, care institutions, government bodies, non-profit organisations and private individuals, in the Netherlands and beyond. When you engage an a...
Expert, astute and with personal commitment. We are the ideal legal partner for all your cases. We serve businesses both large and small, financial institutions, care institutions, government bodies, non-profit organisations and private individuals, in the Netherlands and beyond. When you engage an attorney, you expect extensive expertise, acuity and creativity. So do we; the bar is set high. That’s why we follow all legal developments closely, focus strongly on training and listen carefully to our clients.

Complex issues are often not confined to any single area of law, which is why Wijn & Stael has in-house expertise of a wide range of legal fields. Our attorneys may be specialists in their respective areas, but they are also able to approach cases from a much broader perspective too. Transparency, personal contact, short lines of communication and a focus on your legal needs. Thanks to this approach, we often have long-standing relationships with our clients.

We are deeply committed to your business and social environment. It is this commitment that spurs us to serve your interests with such vigour and decisiveness. To find the best solution for your case, you may require other specialist knowledge in addition to legal expertise. That is when we can call upon our extensive network of experts of civil-law notaries, accountants and tax lawyers and work with them to provide you with the most comprehensive service possible. This is multi-disciplinary cooperation at its best!
Our lawyers and notaries work primarily for companies, institutions and governments. From our office in Enschede in our home market Twente, but increasingly also nationwide, from our meeting place in Utrecht, and across borders. As a lawyer or (junior) civil-law notary, we solve our clients' legal pr...
Our lawyers and notaries work primarily for companies, institutions and governments. From our office in Enschede in our home market Twente, but increasingly also nationwide, from our meeting place in Utrecht, and across borders. As a lawyer or (junior) civil-law notary, we solve our clients' legal problems. We do this in a practical and efficient manner. We advise and litigate in almost all areas of law.

More than 110 employees work at KienhuisHoving, of which around 50 are lawyers and civil-law notaries. These legal specialists are supported by a professional staff and a dedicated secretariat. We are well represented in a number of sectors, such as construction, healthcare, government and housing associations. This has led to the setting up of a Healthcare and Construction sector group within KienhuisHoving. We support clients who do business across borders with our German Desk. Around 4,000 new files were opened in 2018. On average, KienhuisHoving's lawyers and (junior) civil-law notaries work on an annual basis in around 8,000 active files.

Wanting to really help clients is in our DNA. We take our clients further and explore the limits. Literally and figuratively and 'the sky is the limit'. We do that in a fresh and creative way, and we do not neglect to think 'out of the box'. We contribute to sustainable professionalization and improvement of the business operations of our clients. And not only when the legal problem already exists, but preferably pro-actively and at an early stage. As a result, problems can be prevented or at least not escalated. We also take boundless entrepreneurship literally. We work across the border of Twente, but also across the Dutch border. In addition, our employees work beyond the boundaries of their own legal specialties by working together in teams.
Van Poppel Croonen Advocaten is located in Utrecht, Netherlands and offers a variety of legal services for small and large companies, private individuals, corporate lawyers, and independent professionals. The firm offers advice, drafting and editing contracts, negotiating, and conducting legal procee...
Van Poppel Croonen Advocaten is located in Utrecht, Netherlands and offers a variety of legal services for small and large companies, private individuals, corporate lawyers, and independent professionals. The firm offers advice, drafting and editing contracts, negotiating, and conducting legal proceedings.

With vast experience and extensive knowledge, the legal team focuses on simplicity and clarity, meaning it strives for professional and high-quality legal services, which are presented briefly, clearly, and purposefully. The lawyers are dedicated to providing effective and efficient solutions for clients’ needs and objectives.

Since 2012, Van Poppel Croonen Advocaten has been part of ANTEA, a worldwide network of professionals, enabling it to quickly and efficiently use the knowledge of hundreds of accountants, tax consultants and lawyers, with locations around the world. Like Van Poppel Croonen Advocaten, these professionals specialize in the areas of law that are relevant to entrepreneurs: labor and employee participation law, professional and administrative liability, administrative law, commercial contracts, mergers & acquisitions, health law, tenancy law, intellectual property law, ICT and privacy, competition law, company law, transport law, and insurance.

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As an innovative law firm in The Netherlands, we provide easy access to our approximately 70 professionals working in the legal and notarial practices.

We are a full-service firm focusing on large and medium-sized enterprises. In addition, we are well-represented in the healthcare, education

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Soms zie ik in contracten: ‘Deze overeenkomst wordt beheerst door de UNIDROIT Principles 2016’. Wat is dat en waarom kiezen?

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Wij sluiten een distributieovereenkomst met exclusieve afname. Kan de EU dat zien als kartel of machtsmisbruik?

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We willen zekerheid, maar geen L/C. Wat is ‘Documents against Payment (D/P)’?

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Mensen vragen ook:

De beste advocaten in Utrecht

We hebben een lijst samengesteld met de beste Utrecht-advocaten met volledige informatie. Prijzen, recensies, telefoonnummer en adres.

Recensies van advocaten van Utrecht

Onze dienst bevat echte beoordelingen van advocaten; we verwijderen geen negatieve beoordelingen en er is geen manier om vals te spelen.

Hoeveel kost het om een ​​advocaat bij Utrecht te raadplegen?

Juridisch advies bij Utrecht begint vanaf 100 euro en meer (prijzen kunnen variëren afhankelijk van de complexiteit van de vraag en de vorm van het antwoord)

Is het mogelijk om gratis juridische diensten van Utrecht te krijgen?

Formuleer om te beginnen uw vraag helder en bondig en probeer hem te stellen; als het niet moeilijk is en u kunt hem snel beantwoorden, dan beantwoorden advocaten ze vaak gratis. Maar het recht om de kosten van het consult te bepalen blijft bij de advocaat.

Waar kunt u een goede advocaat zoeken in Utrecht?

Dat kan geheel gratis via de advocatenzoekservice Het is belangrijk om te weten dat handig zoeken en communiceren met een specialist gratis is, maar dat advies en diensten van de specialisten zelf mogelijk worden betaald.

Hoeveel kost het om een ​​advocaat in Utrecht in te huren?

De prijzen voor juridische dienstverlening worden bepaald door de hoeveelheid werk en de complexiteit van de zaak. Gemiddeld beginnen juridische diensten vanaf 100 euro. Selecteer kandidaten op basis van beoordelingen en recensies. Velen hebben voorbeelden van voltooid werk!

Wanneer moet u contact opnemen met een advocaat?

Wanneer moet u contact opnemen met een advocaat? Mensen besluiten een advocaat te bezoeken als ze lastige problemen hebben. Vaak wordt professionele hulp van een advocaat bij Utrecht ingeroepen wanneer een zaak al bij de rechtbank of in een instelling loopt en niet verloopt zoals verwacht. Of nog erger: de zaak is al verloren. Daarom raden wij u aan uw aanvraag niet uit te stellen en het probleem aan de wal op te lossen.

Wat houdt juridisch advies in?

Juridisch advies omvat een analyse van situaties en aanbevelingen van een advocaat over mogelijke acties. twee soorten onderhandelingen definiëren: juridisch overleg en schriftelijk overleg (juridisch advies). Welke hulp is afhankelijk van de situatie en de wensen van de cliënt.