Luchtvaartrecht Advocaat - Amsterdam Gevonden 7385

Luchtvaartrecht: Juridische kaders voor luchtverkeer en luchtvaartactiviteiten in Amsterdam

Luchtvaartrecht is een gespecialiseerd rechtsgebied dat de regels en normen vastst...

Luchtvaartrecht: Juridische kaders voor luchtverkeer en luchtvaartactiviteiten in Amsterdam

Luchtvaartrecht is een gespecialiseerd rechtsgebied dat de regels en normen vaststelt voor de luchtvaartindustrie. Het reguleert onder andere de rechten van passagiers, luchtvaartmaatschappijen, en luchthavens, evenals veiligheid, milieuaspecten en internationale samenwerking. Voor bedrijven en particulieren in Amsterdam die betrokken zijn bij de luchtvaartsector, is het essentieel om inzicht te hebben in deze complexe regelgeving. Heeft u vragen of behoefte aan juridisch advies over luchtvaartrecht? Een gespecialiseerde jurist kan u ondersteunen.

Wat is luchtvaartrecht?


Luchtvaartrecht omvat de nationale en internationale wetten die het gebruik van het luchtruim en de exploitatie van luchtvaartuigen regelen. Belangrijke onderdelen zijn:

  • Regels voor luchtvaartmaatschappijen, luchthavens en piloten
  • Passagiersrechten en consumentenbescherming
  • Veiligheidsnormen en aansprakelijkheid
  • Internationale luchtvaartverdragen en -regels
  • Milieuregelgeving en duurzaamheid in de luchtvaart

Het doel van luchtvaartrecht is om veilige, efficiënte en duurzame luchtvaartoperaties te waarborgen.

Internationale luchtvaartverdragen


Internationale luchtvaart wordt gereguleerd door verdragen zoals:

  • Het Verdrag van Chicago (1944): Het fundament voor de Internationale Burgerluchtvaartorganisatie (ICAO) en de standaardisatie van luchtvaartregels.
  • Het Verdrag van Montreal (1999): Regelt de aansprakelijkheid van luchtvaartmaatschappijen bij vertragingen, verlies van bagage en letsel.
  • Het Verdrag van Warschau (1929): Voorloper van het Verdrag van Montreal, dat nog in sommige gevallen wordt toegepast.

Bent u betrokken bij internationale luchtvaartactiviteiten? Een jurist gespecialiseerd in luchtvaartrecht kan u adviseren over de toepassing van deze verdragen.



Passagiersrechten zijn vastgelegd in Europese en internationale regelgeving, zoals EU-verordening 261/2004. Deze regels bieden bescherming bij vertragingen, annuleringen en instapweigeringen. Passagiers kunnen recht hebben op compensatie, terugbetaling of verzorging.

Heeft u een geschil over passagiersrechten? Een jurist kan u helpen bij het claimen van compensatie of het oplossen van conflicten.

Luchtvaartveiligheid en aansprakelijkheid


Veiligheid is een van de belangrijkste aspecten van luchtvaartrecht. Luchtvaartmaatschappijen, luchthavens en piloten moeten voldoen aan strikte veiligheidsnormen. Bij incidenten of ongevallen is het belangrijk om vast te stellen wie aansprakelijk is en wat de rechten van betrokkenen zijn.

Bent u betrokken bij een kwestie van luchtvaartveiligheid of aansprakelijkheid? Een jurist kan u begeleiden bij onderzoek en juridische procedures.

Regelgeving voor luchtvaartmaatschappijen en luchthavens


Luchtvaartmaatschappijen en luchthavens moeten voldoen aan nationale en internationale regelgeving op het gebied van:

  • Exploitatievergunningen en certificeringen
  • Milieunormen en geluidsbeperkingen
  • Douane- en immigratievoorschriften
  • Transport van gevaarlijke goederen

Wilt u zeker weten dat uw luchtvaartactiviteiten voldoen aan de wetgeving? Een jurist kan u ondersteunen bij compliance en vergunningaanvragen.

Luchtvaart en duurzaamheid


Duurzaamheid speelt een steeds grotere rol in de luchtvaartsector. De industrie moet voldoen aan milieuregelgeving en werken aan CO2-reductie, bijvoorbeeld via het EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) of duurzame brandstofinnovaties.

Heeft u vragen over de naleving van milieuregels in de luchtvaart? Een jurist gespecialiseerd in duurzaamheid kan u adviseren over de beste aanpak.

Privé- en commerciële luchtvaart


Privé- en commerciële luchtvaart hebben elk hun eigen juridische kaders. Voor commerciële vluchten gelden striktere regels met betrekking tot licenties, belastingheffing en aansprakelijkheid. Bij privévluchten zijn regels voor luchtwaardigheid, verzekering en luchtruimgebruik belangrijk.

Bent u betrokken bij privé- of commerciële luchtvaart? Een jurist kan u helpen bij het navigeren door de relevante regelgeving.



Drones, of onbemande luchtvaartuigen, zijn een groeiend onderdeel van de luchtvaartsector. Voor het gebruik van drones gelden specifieke regels, zoals de EU-regelgeving inzake drones die eisen stelt aan registratie, opleiding en verzekering.

Wilt u drones inzetten voor commerciële of recreatieve doeleinden? Een jurist kan u helpen om aan alle wettelijke vereisten te voldoen.

Geschillen in de luchtvaart


Geschillen in de luchtvaart kunnen variëren van contractuele conflicten tussen luchtvaartmaatschappijen en luchthavens tot claims van passagiers of problemen met toeleveranciers. Arbitrage, mediation en rechtszaken worden vaak gebruikt om deze geschillen op te lossen.

Heeft u een geschil in de luchtvaartsector? Een ervaren jurist kan u adviseren over de beste aanpak en vertegenwoordiging bieden.

De rol van een jurist in luchtvaartrecht


Een jurist gespecialiseerd in luchtvaartrecht in Amsterdam kan u ondersteunen bij:

  • Het naleven van nationale en internationale luchtvaartregels
  • Het oplossen van geschillen over passagiersrechten, aansprakelijkheid en contracten
  • Juridisch advies over vergunningen, certificeringen en compliance
  • Het ondersteunen van duurzame initiatieven in de luchtvaart
  • Begeleiding bij zaken met betrekking tot drones en onbemande luchtvaartuigen

Met deskundige begeleiding kunt u voldoen aan complexe regelgeving en juridische risico’s minimaliseren.



Luchtvaartrecht biedt een uitgebreid juridisch kader voor de luchtvaartsector en reguleert alles van passagiersrechten tot milieunormen. Voor bedrijven en particulieren in Amsterdam is het cruciaal om op de hoogte te zijn van deze regels en waar nodig juridische ondersteuning in te schakelen. Of het nu gaat om compliance, geschillenbeslechting of duurzaamheid, een specialist kan u helpen om juridisch veilig en effectief te opereren.

Heeft u vragen of behoefte aan juridisch advies over luchtvaartrecht? Neem contact op met een expert. Met de juiste begeleiding kunt u vertrouwen op een effectieve aanpak van uw juridische luchtvaartkwesties.

VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne is the leading Dutch Caribbean law firm. We provide our clients – regional and international – with practicable solutions that answer to their specific challenges and ambitions. We are aware of the corporate social responsibility that our position as one of the largest law f...
VanEps Kunneman VanDoorne is the leading Dutch Caribbean law firm. We provide our clients – regional and international – with practicable solutions that answer to their specific challenges and ambitions. We are aware of the corporate social responsibility that our position as one of the largest law firms in the Dutch Caribbean entails. We support underprivileged groups in various ways.

We donate to different charities and sponsor events or other initiatives, but we also offer pro bono legal services to non-profit organizations. We focus on the development of education, development of local youth, sustainability, social education and culture in the Dutch Caribbean region. Our employees also contribute to the legal system of the islands we work and live on, by holding positions in different bar associations, the Supervisory Boards for Lawyers and the Appeal Councils on the various islands.

As a member firm of Lex Mundi, we can provide our clients with preferred access to reliable legal advice and superior client service in 100 countries – all from a single point of contact. Individually, each member firm is a leader in its jurisdiction. Collectively, Lex Mundi firms provide global legal resources with unmatched depth and breadth. Working with other Lex Mundi firms, we are able to seamlessly handle our clients’ most challenging cross-border transactions and disputes. Explore the Lex Mundi global law firm network by firm name, by location or by region in the 2019 Lex Mundi Directory of Members.
With collaboration at the heart of everything we do, it’s not just what we do that’s important. It’s how. This is what makes us the firm we are. We strive to provide certainty and comfort to our clients that they are in control of not only the budget and cost but also the timing. The processes, tools...
With collaboration at the heart of everything we do, it’s not just what we do that’s important. It’s how. This is what makes us the firm we are. We strive to provide certainty and comfort to our clients that they are in control of not only the budget and cost but also the timing. The processes, tools, technology and training we have in place enable this to happen across the whole business. Giving our clients confidence that the advice they receive will be of the highest quality no matter where they work with us.

Our partners lead from the front on our RB programme, which includes diversity and inclusion, social mobility, pro bono, access to justice and environmental initiatives. This partner-level support gives everyone at the firm the opportunity to contribute to these vital programmes. Through our diversity and inclusion initiatives, we aim to attract people from all backgrounds. And give everyone the professional and personal support they need to succeed. Our industry-leading women’s network (TNOC) supports the development of women at the firm and collaborates with client initiatives too. We’re also renowned for the strength of our international LGBT+ network.

The lessons from these initiatives are helping to shape how we attract and support talent from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds. Every year, through our young talent programme, we welcome school students from diverse socio-economic backgrounds for work experience. And the following year, we welcome them back for paid internships. Eight years after launch, we made our first permanent hire from the programme – and look forward to hiring many more. Initiatives like these – and our charitable partnership with the Big Issue Foundation – are repeated across our international network.
Change is happening faster than ever, and to stay ahead, you need to anticipate what’s next. Legal challenges come from all directions. We understand and work together with you to solve the toughest legal issues in major industries and commercial centers around the world. Whether you’re expanding int...
Change is happening faster than ever, and to stay ahead, you need to anticipate what’s next. Legal challenges come from all directions. We understand and work together with you to solve the toughest legal issues in major industries and commercial centers around the world. Whether you’re expanding into new markets, considering capital from new sources, or dealing with increasingly complex regulation or disputes, we can help. Whether change brings opportunity, risk, or disruption, be ready by working with Hogan Lovells.

A fast-changing and inter-connected world requires fresh thinking combined with proven experience. That's what we provide. Progress starts with ideas. And while imagination helps at every level, our legal solutions are aligned with your business strategy. Our experience in cross-border and emerging economies gives us the market perspective to be your global partner. We believe that when knowledge travels, opportunities arise.

Our team has a wide range of backgrounds. Diversity of backgrounds and experience delivers a broader perspective. Perspectives which ultimately make for more rounded thinking and better answers for you. Giving back to communities and society is fundamental to good business. And, it’s part of our core. We are advocates of justice, equality, and opportunity. Everyone at Hogan Lovells is asked to volunteer at least 25 hours a year as part of their normal work duties. Around the world, our people are making a difference through pro bono activities, community investment, and social justice.

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With over 50 years' experience in the financial services industry and expertise in the provision of a wide range of domestic and international services, we have become a global partner to our clients with offices strategically situated to best serve their needs. We offer a broad range of solutions ta...
With over 50 years' experience in the financial services industry and expertise in the provision of a wide range of domestic and international services, we have become a global partner to our clients with offices strategically situated to best serve their needs. We offer a broad range of solutions tailored to the unique requirements of each of our clients, independently providing specialised fiduciary, fund administration, regulatory and compliance, entity formation and management and legal services on the laws of the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands, Ireland, Jersey and Luxembourg.

Over the course of five decades, the Maples Group has grown from modest beginnings into one of the world's preeminent professional services firms, with operations in the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe and the Middle East. Our clients represent diverse backgrounds and sectors, and include many of the world's foremost financial institutions, international corporations, asset managers and institutional investors. Given the global nature of doing business, our extensive footprint makes us perfectly positioned to deliver services that are designed to meet the unique requirements of our clients and the demands of the markets in which they operate.

Our practice-proven knowledge of the global marketplace and our willingness to embrace today's technological advances means that we are able to continually update and evaluate our operational models and tailor solutions to ensure that we are delivering the greatest value to each and every client. At the Maples Group we are dedicated to helping you foresee, innovate and deliver the results ? and value ? you deserve.
For more than 130 years, Novagraaf has been helping iconic brands and innovative organisations around the world to power their competitive advantage by delivering a connected IP perspective. We had a vision for a new and more innovative IP partner. That is why we have joined forces with PAVIS to crea...
For more than 130 years, Novagraaf has been helping iconic brands and innovative organisations around the world to power their competitive advantage by delivering a connected IP perspective. We had a vision for a new and more innovative IP partner. That is why we have joined forces with PAVIS to create NovumIP, the smart IP source.

As a new force in the IP market and the global IP benchmark for all your business needs, NovumIP enables us to take our long-standing focus on legal expertise, smart delivery of IP administrative services, and effective commercial insights to the next level. As a NovumIP company, we continue to drive our clients’ business success through the delivery of smart thinking and smart technology, but now with the added benefit of more local IP process specialists, a greater range of tech-enabled services and a single point of contact for all your IP needs.

Novagraaf joins forces with PAVIS to create NovumIP, the new alternative global IP service provider. As a NovumIP company, our customers are able to benefit from the assistance of a united team of 380 IP specialists, including some of the world’s foremost IP attorneys and IP process experts, as well as a wider range of tech-enabled services and portfolio management tools.
VanLoman can provide tax advice in the Netherlands and abroad. Our specialists advise companies as well as wealthy entrepreneurs and individuals. Fast, efficient and tailor-made. Our people have gained extensive knowledge and experience at the major well-known law and advisory firms. We provide exper...
VanLoman can provide tax advice in the Netherlands and abroad. Our specialists advise companies as well as wealthy entrepreneurs and individuals. Fast, efficient and tailor-made. Our people have gained extensive knowledge and experience at the major well-known law and advisory firms. We provide expert level knowledge, support and advice to help you protect your rights and navigate tax disputes.

Despite the horizontal supervision that the tax authorities want to introduce to more and more entrepreneurs, you can still get into a dispute with the tax authorities. This can also happen to you as a private person. The Tax and Customs Administration has the necessary expertise in its organization, but is bound by rules. Thanks to our high level of knowledge of tax law, combined with knowledge of the rules, you have a high chance of a successful outcome. We can assist you with objections, appeal procedures and book research.

A thorough due diligence prior to the acquisition is of great importance for a successful acquisition and to prevent surprises later on. As a buyer, you cannot rely on hidden defects that will become known later if you have not conducted a thorough investigation. As a seller, a vendor due diligence can prevent unpleasant surprises during the sales process. Good tax planning can lead to major benefits when financing companies to be acquired and the associated financing costs. In international structures it is very important to avoid double taxation.
De Roos & Pen specialises in financial economic and criminal tax law and is recognised both internationally and within the Netherlands as an authority in this field. As a result, the office also has a great deal of expertise and experience in handling complex fraud cases. Lawyers from De Roos & Pen h...
De Roos & Pen specialises in financial economic and criminal tax law and is recognised both internationally and within the Netherlands as an authority in this field. As a result, the office also has a great deal of expertise and experience in handling complex fraud cases. Lawyers from De Roos & Pen have supported a variety of clients, individuals as well as companies, in for example the ‘Clickfonds’ case, the Construction Fraud (‘Bouwfraude’) and the more recent Real Estate Fraud (‘Vastgoedfraude’).

Additionally, lawyers from De Roos & Pen conduct internal investigations, mainly on behalf of the financial sector, and offer advice about compliance and corporate governance. As a result of this specialization, De Roos & Pen frequently serves international (often American) companies that have interests in the Netherlands or elsewhere in Europe.

Yet De Roos & Pen has never forgotten its social roots. The office expanded in the 1980’s when it made its name supporting squatters, among others. As a result of its history, the general criminal practice has never lost its place at the heart of the office. De Roos & Pen still frequently assists clients in cases of money laundering, drugs and/or cases involving violence. Thanks to the scale of the office – De Roos & Pen is regarded as a (medium) large criminal law office – the office is always ready to put together a reliable team of lawyers for every acute criminal law problem.
We work for prominent Dutch and international companies, business and financial service providers, semi-public organisations and government institutions. We are also a state advocate in tax matters. We aim to maintain long-term relationships with our clients. We have been working with most of them fo...
We work for prominent Dutch and international companies, business and financial service providers, semi-public organisations and government institutions. We are also a state advocate in tax matters. We aim to maintain long-term relationships with our clients. We have been working with most of them for years now, and that is something we are very proud of.

Van Doorne is a leading independent Dutch law firm. With around 185 lawyers, we have been advising our clients for almost 90 years now in a broad range of legal expertise. Our lawyers are internationally recognised as leading experts, both in their area of practice and industries in which they operate. We also have an extensive world wide network of other leading, independent firms. This enables us to shift gear fast anywhere around the world to provide our clients with advice and assistance, without being bound to any office.

Our mission is to empower people and organisations and to work on responsible, permanent solutions together, something that is reflected throughout our company. From the way in which we work together to the idealistic organisations we support. We are an informal, open organisation where people are encouraged to be themselves, develop initiatives and take responsibility. Creativity and an open mind are essential if you want to look at an issue from different perspectives. That is why we attach so much importance to diversity. It results in better solutions for our clients. And if they can operate successfully, we have achieved our goal.
Van Rossem is an office where the attorney works closely with others, including advisory organizations and associates, such as attorneys, lawyers and advisers. The aim of the collaboration is to assist the customer as well as possible and to find the right know-how. We often work together with third ...
Van Rossem is an office where the attorney works closely with others, including advisory organizations and associates, such as attorneys, lawyers and advisers. The aim of the collaboration is to assist the customer as well as possible and to find the right know-how. We often work together with third parties for specialist assignments. If necessary, we advise in the search for the right know-how or refer you to other organizations.

When you think of employment law you often think of dismissal, but there is much more. We advise on (flexible) employment contracts, regulations, reorganisations, takeovers, social plan, consultation with works councils, collective labor agreements, etc. In the event of dismissal and illness of the employee, we also advise on social security, so on benefits such as unemployment benefits, sickness benefits. and WIA. Sooner or later everyone will have to deal with employment law and employment law disputes sometimes have major financial consequences for all parties. In addition, dismissal law is constantly evolving.

Van Rossem advocaten advises and guides start-ups and established entrepreneurs. We advise start-ups in choosing the right legal form and establishing the BV or company. We draw up shareholder agreements, employment contracts, and regulations, general terms and conditions and supply agreements. We also advise and litigate in the event of a director's dismissal, directors' liability and disputes between shareholders. We also litigate in trade disputes and collections. Finally, we advise companies on the takeover or restart of the company.
When you have an international debt collection matter, you are confronted with a different language, culture and legislation. Moreover, the local custom concerning payment may not be what you are used to. That tends to make international debt collection a complex matter. As a debt recovery law firm, ...
When you have an international debt collection matter, you are confronted with a different language, culture and legislation. Moreover, the local custom concerning payment may not be what you are used to. That tends to make international debt collection a complex matter. As a debt recovery law firm, we have more than 60 years of knowledge and experience to assist you with your international debt collection matter.

Debt collection has never been easier with Bierens Debt Recovery Lawyers by your side. With over 115 specialists from Europe's leading economies, we solve 95% of national and international cases on a No Cure No Pay basis. While you can focus on resuming your business, our experts deploy our resources and measures to recover the payment you are entitled to. Find out more about how debt recovery works and what we can do for you.

As Europe's leading debt recovery specialist, we can help you recover your national claims in the UK. Our aim is to always find an amicable solution first. If legal action is needed, then we can litigate on your behalf. Our lawyers are experienced and perfectly versed in the legal debt recovery laws in the UK.

Vragen en antwoorden voor Luchtvaartrecht

Ik zie dat KLM en Delta bijv. codeshares hebben. Waar gaat dat over, en hoe wordt het gecontroleerd?

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De EU heeft een ‘zwarte lijst’ van onveilige airlines, net zoals andere regio’s. Op welke grond worden ze geblacklist?

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Luchthavens hebben allerlei concessies, ground handling, security, enz. Wat bepaalt de juridische grondslagen en verantwoordelijkheden?

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Binnen Europa lijkt het luchtruim erg vol. Wie bepaalt welke route een vliegtuig mag nemen en hoe worden botsingen vermeden?

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Mensen vragen ook:

De beste advocaten in Amsterdam

We hebben een lijst samengesteld met de beste Amsterdam-advocaten met volledige informatie. Prijzen, recensies, telefoonnummer en adres.

Recensies van advocaten van Amsterdam

Onze dienst bevat echte beoordelingen van advocaten; we verwijderen geen negatieve beoordelingen en er is geen manier om vals te spelen.

Hoeveel kost het om een ​​advocaat bij Amsterdam te raadplegen?

Juridisch advies bij Amsterdam begint vanaf 100 euro en meer (prijzen kunnen variëren afhankelijk van de complexiteit van de vraag en de vorm van het antwoord)

Is het mogelijk om gratis juridische diensten van Amsterdam te krijgen?

Formuleer om te beginnen uw vraag helder en bondig en probeer hem te stellen; als het niet moeilijk is en u kunt hem snel beantwoorden, dan beantwoorden advocaten ze vaak gratis. Maar het recht om de kosten van het consult te bepalen blijft bij de advocaat.

Waar kunt u een goede advocaat zoeken in Amsterdam?

Dat kan geheel gratis via de advocatenzoekservice Het is belangrijk om te weten dat handig zoeken en communiceren met een specialist gratis is, maar dat advies en diensten van de specialisten zelf mogelijk worden betaald.

Hoeveel kost het om een ​​advocaat in Amsterdam in te huren?

De prijzen voor juridische dienstverlening worden bepaald door de hoeveelheid werk en de complexiteit van de zaak. Gemiddeld beginnen juridische diensten vanaf 100 euro. Selecteer kandidaten op basis van beoordelingen en recensies. Velen hebben voorbeelden van voltooid werk!

Wanneer moet u contact opnemen met een advocaat?

Wanneer moet u contact opnemen met een advocaat? Mensen besluiten een advocaat te bezoeken als ze lastige problemen hebben. Vaak wordt professionele hulp van een advocaat bij Amsterdam ingeroepen wanneer een zaak al bij de rechtbank of in een instelling loopt en niet verloopt zoals verwacht. Of nog erger: de zaak is al verloren. Daarom raden wij u aan uw aanvraag niet uit te stellen en het probleem aan de wal op te lossen.

Wat houdt juridisch advies in?

Juridisch advies omvat een analyse van situaties en aanbevelingen van een advocaat over mogelijke acties. twee soorten onderhandelingen definiëren: juridisch overleg en schriftelijk overleg (juridisch advies). Welke hulp is afhankelijk van de situatie en de wensen van de cliënt.
