Onrechtmatige daad Advocaat - Amsterdam
Russell Advocaten is located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and offers corporate/commercial and employment services. Legal areas include corporate law, employment law, corporate immigration, real estate and rent, art and law, litigation, arbitration and mediation, contracts, franchise, distribution a...
Russell Advocaten is located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and offers corporate/commercial and employment services. Legal areas include corporate law, employment law, corporate immigration, real estate and rent, art and law, litigation, arbitration and mediation, contracts, franchise, distribution and agency, expats, works council, liability, ICT and intellectual property.

With a focus on business, Russell Advocaten provides legal assistance primarily to management, shareholders, directors, works councils, and supervisory directors. The firm offers many decades of experience and, through its international networks, can also assist clients with legal issues abroad.

Russell Advocaten has received various awards and other acknowledgments and established long-term relationships with many of its clients. The firm offers comprehensive legal support, and the lawyers are committed to optimal accessibility for clients while working to provide solutions for their legal concerns.
Driven to provide clients a competitive edge, and connected to the communities where its clients want to do business, Dentons knows that understanding local cultures is crucial to successfully completing a deal, resolving a dispute or solving a business challenge. Now the world's largest law firm, De...
Driven to provide clients a competitive edge, and connected to the communities where its clients want to do business, Dentons knows that understanding local cultures is crucial to successfully completing a deal, resolving a dispute or solving a business challenge. Now the world's largest law firm, Dentons' global team builds agile, tailored solutions to meet the local, national and global needs of private and public clients of any size in 182 locations serving 74 countries.

We're Polycentric™. Dentons has no single headquarters and no dominant national culture. Diverse in terms of geography, language and nationalities, we proudly offer clients talent from diverse backgrounds and countries with deep experience in every legal tradition in the world. We offer business solutions. Rather than offering theoretical legal analysis, we provide the specific advice required to get a deal done, resolve a dispute or solve a business challenge. We measure our success by the service we provide. Regardless of the scale and scope of your business needs, you get the individual attention you need and deserve. Whether the matter is big or small, if it is important to you, then it is important to us.

At Dentons, we believe that inclusion and diversity are essential to the success and strength of our Firm and the quality of our advice to, and representation of, our clients. We are committed to providing a flexible environment where everyone respects, supports and learns from our collective skills, talents and differences. By attracting, supporting, promoting and retaining individuals from all backgrounds, inclusive of race, ethnicity, faith, religion or spiritual beliefs, gender, gender identity, age, sexual orientation, abilities, social perspective and other characteristics, we create a dynamic and inclusive work environment that is critical to our success. Through our Global Inclusion and Diversity Commission, we are working to support inclusion and create a workplace that reflects the environment in which we and our globally diverse clients operate. We measure success not just in how we run Dentons but how we service our clients. This effort requires ongoing focus to ensure that every member of Dentons, along with our clients across the globe can grow and succeed.

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At CMS, we always strive to put our clients at the centre of what we do. We advise clients on matters that range from global multi-billion dollar deals to ground-breaking commercial agreements. Headquartered in the centre of the City of London with a 250 year heritage, and with offices in Bristol, Sh...
At CMS, we always strive to put our clients at the centre of what we do. We advise clients on matters that range from global multi-billion dollar deals to ground-breaking commercial agreements. Headquartered in the centre of the City of London with a 250 year heritage, and with offices in Bristol, Sheffield, Manchester, Reading, Aberdeen, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Mayfair, CMS UK works across international borders and all industry sectors and commercial areas of law. As a top 10 global law firm with 65 offices worldwide, we have the depth of resource to ensure end-to-end delivery on both international and national projects.

Part of our commitment to provide solutions tailored to our clients’ needs is our industry sector focus. Our priority sectors are financial services, technology, media and communications, energy and lifesciences. We are also a full service law firm working across banking and finance, commercial, competition & EU, consumer products, corporate, dispute resolution, employment & pensions, hotels & leisure, infrastructure & project finance, insurance & funds, intellectual property, private equity, real estate & construction and tax.

Business-focused advice is central to the services we offer, so we are proud to partner with the top management business school in Switzerland, IMD. In 2015, we moved into our new cutting edge London headquarters at Cannon Place. Designed around our clients and using the latest technology innovations, they epitomise a modern law firm. When you visit CMS in London, you are welcome to use our Tech Hub to work and catch up on the latest news, and to use our state-of-the-art meeting spaces.
DLA Piper became one of the largest legal service providers in the world in 2005 through a merger of unprecedented scope in the legal sector. While large in scale, the merger strategy was simple – to create an international legal practice capable of taking care of the most important legal needs of cl...
DLA Piper became one of the largest legal service providers in the world in 2005 through a merger of unprecedented scope in the legal sector. While large in scale, the merger strategy was simple – to create an international legal practice capable of taking care of the most important legal needs of clients wherever they do business. We wanted our clients to rely on receiving the right service for their particular matter, whether requiring seamless coordination across multiple jurisdictions or delivery in a single location.

Building strong and substantial client relationships was and remains the compass for DLA Piper's business strategy and future development. With Frank Burch as Chairman of our Global Board, DLA Piper today has 3,500 lawyers in offices throughout Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the United States. We represent more clients in a broader range of geographies and practice disciplines than virtually any other law firm in the world. Our client commitment is also our brand – everything matters when it comes to the way we serve and interact with our clients. If it matters to them, it matters to us.

DLA Piper was built to serve clients wherever in the world they do business - quickly, efficiently and with genuine knowledge of both local and international considerations. But while markets around the world are internationalizing, this doesn’t mean they are becoming the same. We remain committed, as always, to the local markets that are the building blocks of international business.
Littler is the largest U.S.-based law firm exclusively devoted to representing management in every aspect of labor and employment law. The firm’s single focus on employment and labor law has created a cartel of attorneys whose knowledge of and experience in these areas of law is unsurpassed. With law...
Littler is the largest U.S.-based law firm exclusively devoted to representing management in every aspect of labor and employment law. The firm’s single focus on employment and labor law has created a cartel of attorneys whose knowledge of and experience in these areas of law is unsurpassed. With lawyers who practice in more than 36 areas of law, there is no employment issue a company has faced that hasn’t been addressed by one of Littler’s attorneys.

Since the firm was started in 1942 by Robert Littler, who chose to represent management clients in what were mostly disputes involving unions, Littler has adhered to and expanded its continuous representation of corporate America, and the global reach those companies have realized, in all areas of employment and labor law.

Littler attorneys are dedicated to incomparable client service. Littler has a Knowledge Management group whose attorneys harness the collective knowledge of the firm and provide that knowledge to clients through tools, products and services that are available 24 hours per day, seven days a week. This allows Littler to provide up-to-the-minute information on changes in the employment law arena and give clients the information and tools they need to respond to those changes.

Littler attorneys have deep subject matter expertise in employment law matters that companies have faced for decades, as well as emerging issues that are only now beginning to surface. The rules of discovery in litigation have expanded to include electronic means of communication, including email, voice mail, text messages and instant messaging. Littler is one of few firms which has an eDiscovery practice to help clients navigate the rules which govern the preservation and admission of this evidence at trial.
As a global top 15 law practice, Eversheds Sutherland provides legal advice and solutions to a global client base ranging from small and mid-sized businesses to the largest multinationals.

Our teams of lawyers around the world operate seamlessly to deliver the legal know-how and strategic alig...
As a global top 15 law practice, Eversheds Sutherland provides legal advice and solutions to a global client base ranging from small and mid-sized businesses to the largest multinationals.

Our teams of lawyers around the world operate seamlessly to deliver the legal know-how and strategic alignment that clients need from their advisors to help further their business interests. Clients describe us as creative and well-versed in cutting edge legal work – we listen well in order to understand how and where we can be most effective and add the greatest value.

We shape our advice to the unique circumstances and challenges of each project, and ensure the right people are in the right places to offer insight and certainty – from the day-to-day to the most complex, multi-jurisdictional matters.

What unites us is our purpose, our values and our commitment to service excellence through a solution-oriented approach. We know our clients’ businesses, the industries and markets they operate in, and we know that great relationships yield the best outcomes.
We are a law firm with a global reach. We have a robust corporate practice, a centre of excellence in litigation, and an unparalleled team of regulatory experts. Big matters, big risks and big arenas require multidisciplinary, multinational teams composed of strong strategic thinkers willing to go th...
We are a law firm with a global reach. We have a robust corporate practice, a centre of excellence in litigation, and an unparalleled team of regulatory experts. Big matters, big risks and big arenas require multidisciplinary, multinational teams composed of strong strategic thinkers willing to go the extra mile. We believe in striking the right balance between rigour and pragmatism, especially when the stakes are high and the pressure is on.

We put business in a legal context, not the other way around. The needs of our clients go hand in hand with our legal expertise. That’s why we strive to recruit people with a variety of interests, experience and nationalities. We look at the bigger picture, and leave no stone unturned on our path to aiding our clients. We practise the art and science of collaboration – across all disciplines and national borders – with both our own and other legal experts, in-house counsel, and other specialists.

Headquartered in Amsterdam, we also have bases in Brussels, Frankfurt, London, Shanghai and Singapore. Our Best Friends – a network of premier European law firms – alongside our informal partnerships around the world mean we have access to the best local expertise as and when required.
Bird & Bird is an international law firm with a focus on helping organisations being changed by technology and the digital world. With over 1300 lawyers in 30 offices across Europe, the Middle East, Asia-Pacific and North America, we're ready to help you wherever you are in the world. If you'd like t...
Bird & Bird is an international law firm with a focus on helping organisations being changed by technology and the digital world. With over 1300 lawyers in 30 offices across Europe, the Middle East, Asia-Pacific and North America, we're ready to help you wherever you are in the world. If you'd like to know more about the type of work we do for our clients, please take a look at the relevant sector or practice page for industry news, know-how, and relevant contacts. Our lawyers advise clients on every continent of the globe. Click on your preferred region to see what we're doing in that part of the world.

Bird & Bird’s history stretches back to the 1830s and the firm was formally established in 1846. Even back then, the firm’s excellence in client service and passion for key industries attracted leading innovators. As technology allowed innovations and ideas to travel more quickly, the need to protect the ideas and innovations of its clients encouraged the firm to expand its international capabilities. Now, almost 180 years later, Bird & Bird has 29 offices across Europe, the Middle East, Asia and North America with clients based in 118 countries worldwide.

There have been many changes for Bird & Bird over its 160-year history, but one thing remains; the culture and identity of Bird & Bird. We are proud to be a firm that produces high-quality, free-thinking, innovative advice and ideas, with lawyers who don't sit on the fence and aren't afraid to speak their minds. We now practice 18 areas of law in more than 16 industries, in 20 countries, and our collaborative international network means our clients know they'll receive the best advice, wherever it is needed. Our clients are based across 118 countries worldwide and 75% of our major clients work with more than one of our offices, demonstrating our ability to work seamlessly across jurisdictions. Our support for the individual means our people enjoy long careers with us, passing down our deep legal knowledge, international reach and excellence in client service from one generation to the next to ensure that the Bird & Bird story continues.

Vragen en antwoorden voor Onrechtmatige daad

In een elektronicazaak stond een bord ‘Vandaag 50% korting op televisies’, maar achteraf zei men dat het slechts gold voor een bepaald model. Ik voelde me misleid. Kan ik eisen dat ik die andere tv’s ook voor half geld koop?

Doorgaan naar antwoord

Ik nam de telefoon op en een verkoper praatte me een abonnement aan voor tijdschriften. Ik zei half ‘oké’, maar heb er nu spijt van. De eerste incasso is al afgeschreven. Kan ik dit ongedaan maken, en hoe bewijs ik dat ik niet bewust akkoord ben gegaan?

Doorgaan naar antwoord

Na 3 maanden ging mijn smartwatch stuk. De winkel zegt dat ik zelf schade heb veroorzaakt. Maar ik hoorde dat binnen 6 maanden juist de verkoper moet bewijzen dat het niet hun schuld is. Is dat waar?

Doorgaan naar antwoord

Mijn gameconsole is stuk en de winkel zegt: ‘We kunnen niks doen zonder uw bon of garantiebewijs.’ Ik ben de kassabon kwijt. Mag de verkoper dan reparatie weigeren?

Doorgaan naar antwoord

Het laatste artikel

Hoe iemand aansprakelijk stellen voor smaad in Nederland: Een stapsgewijze gids

Smaad (of laster) kan ernstige schade aan je reputatie veroorzaken. Het kan je persoonlijke en professionele leven beïnvloeden en zelfs leiden tot verlies van werk of zakelijke kansen. In Nederland heb je het recht om jezelf te verdedigen tegen valse beschuldigingen. Dit artikel biedt een uitgebreid overzicht van wat je kunt doen als je slachtoffer […]


Hoe kan ik mijn geld terugkrijgen in Nederland?

Er zijn verschillende situaties waarin je geld kunt terugvorderen, van ongeautoriseerde betalingen tot gevallen van frauduleuze transacties of gebrekkige producten. Het terugvorderen van je geld kan een ingewikkeld proces zijn, maar gelukkig biedt de Nederlandse wet verschillende juridische mogelijkheden om te zorgen dat je krijgt waar je recht op hebt. Dit artikel geeft je een […]


Wat te doen bij een verkeersongeval in Nederland: Een stapsgewijze gids

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Onrechtmatig ontslag en herstel in Nederland: Wat u moet weten

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Vordering van alimentatie in Nederland

Vordering van alimentatie in Nederland

Inleiding Alimentatie, het periodiek betalen van een financiële bijdrage voor levensonderhoud, is een belangrijk aspect in Nederland wanneer een huwelijk of geregistreerd partnerschap eindigt. Dit geldt zowel voor partner- als kinderalimentatie. De Nederlandse alimentatiewetgeving wordt regelmatig aangepast om de rechten en plichten van zowel de alimentatiebetaler als de ontvanger te waarborgen. In dit artikel bespreken […]

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Mensen vragen ook:

De beste advocaten in Amsterdam

We hebben een lijst samengesteld met de beste Amsterdam-advocaten met volledige informatie. Prijzen, recensies, telefoonnummer en adres.

Recensies van advocaten van Amsterdam

Onze dienst bevat echte beoordelingen van advocaten; we verwijderen geen negatieve beoordelingen en er is geen manier om vals te spelen.

Hoeveel kost het om een ​​advocaat bij Amsterdam te raadplegen?

Juridisch advies bij Amsterdam begint vanaf 100 euro en meer (prijzen kunnen variëren afhankelijk van de complexiteit van de vraag en de vorm van het antwoord)

Is het mogelijk om gratis juridische diensten van Amsterdam te krijgen?

Formuleer om te beginnen uw vraag helder en bondig en probeer hem te stellen; als het niet moeilijk is en u kunt hem snel beantwoorden, dan beantwoorden advocaten ze vaak gratis. Maar het recht om de kosten van het consult te bepalen blijft bij de advocaat.

Waar kunt u een goede advocaat zoeken in Amsterdam?

Dat kan geheel gratis via de advocatenzoekservice Advocat-nl.com. Het is belangrijk om te weten dat handig zoeken en communiceren met een specialist gratis is, maar dat advies en diensten van de specialisten zelf mogelijk worden betaald.

Hoeveel kost het om een ​​advocaat in Amsterdam in te huren?

De prijzen voor juridische dienstverlening worden bepaald door de hoeveelheid werk en de complexiteit van de zaak. Gemiddeld beginnen juridische diensten vanaf 100 euro. Selecteer kandidaten op basis van beoordelingen en recensies. Velen hebben voorbeelden van voltooid werk!

Wanneer moet u contact opnemen met een advocaat?

Wanneer moet u contact opnemen met een advocaat? Mensen besluiten een advocaat te bezoeken als ze lastige problemen hebben. Vaak wordt professionele hulp van een advocaat bij Amsterdam ingeroepen wanneer een zaak al bij de rechtbank of in een instelling loopt en niet verloopt zoals verwacht. Of nog erger: de zaak is al verloren. Daarom raden wij u aan uw aanvraag niet uit te stellen en het probleem aan de wal op te lossen.

Wat houdt juridisch advies in?

Juridisch advies omvat een analyse van situaties en aanbevelingen van een advocaat over mogelijke acties. twee soorten onderhandelingen definiëren: juridisch overleg en schriftelijk overleg (juridisch advies). Welke hulp is afhankelijk van de situatie en de wensen van de cliënt.